Sources of WMHI Value

The Sources of Value of WMHI shares are derived from their underpinning by the Enterprise Value, and from additional Sources of Value that WMHI accrues from the direct passing to WMHI shareholders of the value derived from each WM share that it holds, on a 1:1 basis for each WMHI share that is Authorized, and held by WMHI shareholders.

An overview of the Sources of Value for WMHI and for WMHI shareholders is as follows:

WMHI Placement Price
WMHI shares are backed 1:1 by WM shares, and derive their value from the backing WM shares. WM is a private company, and it is not possible to acquire WM shares publicly. The Enterprise value of WM shares is – currently, and prior to the impending valuations of WM’s “TUV” Facilities – USD 815.00 per share. WMHI shares – despite being backed 1:1 by WM shares and despite WMHI shares / Shareholders sharing 1:1 in all of the future Dividends, potential Trade sale payout and other advantages of WM shares / Shareholders – are being placed at USD 275.00 per share. This represents a 66% discount on the Enterprise Value of WM shares.

Future Dividends of WM
Each WMHI share is underpinned by a WM share. This entitles WMHI and WMHI shareholders to the equivalent Dividend to each WM share. As WM has no debt or consequential liabilities, it has declared that its Dividend Policy once its Recommencement of Unrestricted Global Operations begins will be remittance of 50% of Net Profits to WM shareholders on a Quarterly basis. These future Dividend Payments will be passed on in direct proportion to WMHI shareholders, with WMHI and each WMHI shareholder receiving the equivalent amount of Dividends for each WMHI share held as per each WM share.

Proceeds from any future Trade Sale of WM
Each WMHI share is underpinned by a WM share. This entitles WMHI and WMHI shareholders to the equivalent payout to each WM share in the event of any future trade sale of WM. The current Enterprise value of WM is USD 724.98 Billion or approximately USD 815.00 per share. However, there are three further valuations of WM that are outstanding – the first one being about to commence – to value WM’s various “TUV” Facilities. Each of the values from these three additional valuations will be added to WM’s Enterprise Value. Similarly, although WM’s Affiliates – or VSMPs – currently have 289 Million clients within them, it is anticipated that this number will increase substantially after the Recommencement of Unrestricted Global Operations. Proceeds from any future Trade Sale of WM will be passed on, in direct proportion, to WMHI shareholders, with WMHI and each WMHI shareholder receiving the equivalent amount of payout for each WMHI share as will be received for each WM share. (Note: Although WM has been contacted by representatives of Central Banks – and/or has had interactions with representatives of various Central Banks – regarding their interest in WM’s Global Platform, System and Facilities, WM is not currently involved in active discussions with State and/or Private Entities for their acquisition of the WM Platform and System).

Listing of WMHI on an Exchange
It is planned to list the shares of WMHI on an identified Exchange, and significant preparation for this listing – after the Placement Process and the Recommencement of Unrestricted Global Operations have concluded. At that time, the WMHI shares will become tradable shares on the relevant Exchange. (Note: It is for this reason that some of WM’s shareholders have also swapped portions of their WM shares for WMHI shares).

Access to Partially-Restricted WM Facilities
Some of WM’s Facilities are partially-restricted to WM shareholders during an initial “Exclusion Period”. This specifically includes WM’s “Secured TUVs” (Gold-Backed TUVs). The reason for this is that as the Secured TUVs represent proven and effective hedges against Inflation, Currency Depreciation and FIAT-currency weakness, it is anticipated that there will be a very significant demand for them once the Recommencement of Unrestricted Global Operations by WM begins. However, the total amount of physical gold in existence is currently only sufficient to secure under 10% of hard and digital FIAT currency currently in circulation. Consequently, the acquisition of WM’s Secured TUVs is being restricted for an initial Exclusion Period to WM Shareholders only – with the only exception to this being WMHI Shareholders, who will also be granted access to acquire WM Secured TUVs during the Exclusion Period. The duration of the Exclusion Period will be for the period in which all WM and WMHI Shareholders that wish to do so utilize their First Option to acquire Secured TUVs, prior to this facility being opened to all WM Members worldwide.

Sharing in WM’s Inflation-Resistant, Proven and Robust Business Proceeds
WM has no debts, no long-term or short-term liabilities, ultra-low running costs, a proven inflation-resistant + recession-resistant + systemic shock-resistant global business model, and provides facilities that are lower cost + higher speed + better secured than competing services and facilities worldwide in over 40 sectors. These services and facilities are provided to, relevant to, and accessible by all market-sectors in all countries worldwide. WMHI Shareholders will share in the proceeds of this stable, robust and proven global business and business model.
